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C o n v e n t i o n


Smt. Anandiben Patel

Governor, Uttar Pradesh

Shri Kalraj Mishra

Governor, Rajasthan

Shri Bandaru Dattatraya

Governor, Haryana

Shri Phagu Chauhan

Governor, Meghalaya

Dr T M Gunaraja,FIE

Past President,
The Institution of Engineers(India)

Shri Dinesh Kumar

Chairman, Safety And Quality Forum
The Institution of Engineers(India)

Shri R N Rajpoot,IRSEE

Chairman Convention &
Past Chairman SQF-IEI

Prof S K Singh

The Institution of Engineers(India)
Delhi State Centre

Maj Gen MJS Syali,
VSM (Retd.) FIE

Secretary & Director General,
The Institution of Engineers(India)

Praveen Kr Singh

Director, Safety & Quality Forum,
The Institution of Engineers (India)