Environment, Health, Safety and Sustainability (EHS&S) refers to the practices to protect the health and safety of employees and the public as well as the environment. Strong EHS&S management requires the implementation of systems and processes to assess and control the risks of environmental impacts and health and safety hazards.

Intervention of Artificial Intelligence has made remarkable changes in improving the life style human beings and also increasing the productivity of the industries. Simultaneously, Artificial intelligence is a powerful tool to help all its stakeholders to achieve sustainable development goals.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a technology that augments human intelligence and capabilities. AI enables the development of smarter tools and hastens advancements in automation. It contributed to the improvement of many industries and businesses, all while helping the planet.

AI has various purposes: decision-making, prediction, interactive communication, and pattern recognition from data. Combined with machine learning (ML), the Internet of Things (IoT), and Big data , AI is set to play a central role in the future of the Industry.

Realising the significance that an increased focus on environmental sustainability is key for the future health of our planet, the Board of Governors of the Safety & Quality Forum of The Institution of Engineers (India) and the participants of 18th Safety Convention desired that the theme for the next Convention be "Safety for Sustainable Development : Role of Artificial Intelligence". Hence, 19th Safety Convention will thus be organized in New Delhi during September 7-9, 2022 with the theme: 'Safety for Sustainable Development : Role of Artificial Intelligence'.

The Institution of Engineers (India) or IEI is the largest multidisciplinary professional body that encompasses 15 engineering disciplines and gives engineers a global platform for sharing professional interest. IEI has membership strength of above 0.8 million. Established in 1920, with its headquarter at 8 Gokhale Road, Kolkata-700020, IEI has served the engineering fraternity close to a century. During this period of time, IEI has been inextricably linked with the history of modern-day engineering. In 1935, IEI was incorporated by Royal Charter and remains the only professional body in India which has been accorded this honour. Today, its quest for professional excellence has given it a place of pride in almost every prestigious and relevant organization across the globe. It provides a vast array of technical, professional and supporting services to the Government, Industries, Academia and the Engineering fraternity, operating through its 125 Centres located across the country and 6 overseas chapters. Besides, IEI has bilateral agreements with about 31 international bodies and membership of another 8 international bodies of the developed nations across the globe.

Being recognized as a Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (SIRO) by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India, IEI promotes the cause of research and development by providing Grant-in-Aid support to undergraduate, post graduate students and PhD Research Scholars of Engineering Institutions and Universities.

Safety and Quality Forum - IEI
Safety & Quality Forum was established by The Institution of Engineers (India) at New Delhi in 2003, to focus on engineering aspects that contribute towards the improvement in Safety & Quality in Engineering Profession.

Forum has been actively involved in disseminating knowledge in the field of Safety and Quality for the last more than a decade.

Delhi State Centre - IEI
Delhi State Centre has a history of nearly 98 years. Located at ITO, it is a landmark in the city of Delhi. It has played a crucial role in uniting various professional societies right from its inception. Delhi State Centre has organized various successful activities which include International and National Conferences, Indian Engineering Congress, All India Seminars, Round Table Conferences and Workshops relating to different strategy of engineering and having crucial impact on society.